riad houeiss a întrebat

i need to rent an apartment

publicat pe 12 Jan 2022 in categoria Chiriași

the apartment will be in the neighborhood of Aurel vlaicu,herstrau and aviatiei park. the budget is between 300 and 500 euros per month. the area is between 30 and 50 square meters.

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1 răspuns de la experți
Nicoleta Olteanu a răspuns:
17 Jan 2022
  • imobiliare.ro

Thank you for your interest in the 'Imoexpert' section.
You can find on our website 52 rental ads that meet the mentioned criteria: https://www.imobiliare.ro/feedback_340558 For more details, please contact the owners of the ads of interest.
It may be helpful to work with a real estate agency - a specialist can offer you further advice and can find options that suit your expectations. The list of real estate agencies from Bucharest is available here: https://www.imobiliare.ro/feedback_340559
