Fanny a întrebat

rental price flexibility

publicat pe 31 Jul 2019 in categoria Chiriași

while owner published his price on the rental apartment, does this price is a fix price that should be paid or if an negotiation on price reduction is possible . If so, what percentage usual is acceptable.
thank you!

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Fanny a răspuns:
31 Jul 2019

thank you! How to get this kind of verification it you are not familiar with the local market, coming from abroad to rent an apartment. Who can provide such info in order to be prepared while negotiate the price?



Ionut Stancu a răspuns:
31 Jul 2019
  • Administrator si asociat unic
  • Bucuresti

There are not a rule for the negociated price for a rental apartment. But, in the worst scenario case, you can negociate arround 8% from the price.
Obviously, there are owners in the market who ask for a non-realistic price but it can be verified comparing with the most available properties for rent still in the market for rent.
Good luck!

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  • 3 evaluări