Nemtanu Alexandra Iulia


Nemtanu Alexandra Iulia Agent imobiliar din agenţia EUROCITY ESTATE IMOBILIARE
Real estate agent, Bucuresti

Despre mine

With a solid 6-year experience in the real estate industry, I have had the privilege to work in the ultra-central area of Bucharest, providing professional services and specialized consultancy in real estate. My specialized studies in law have formed a strong foundation for a detailed understanding of legal and contractual aspects in real estate transactions.

Throughout my career, I have managed various types of properties in this prestigious area, including luxury apartments and strategic real estate investments. My expertise covers the entire process of real estate transactions, from accurate property evaluation and price negotiation to transaction finalization and ensuring legal compliance.

Constant interactions with clients and various stakeholders involved in transactions have helped me develop excellent communication and negotiation skills, facilitating the successful conclusion of numerous advantageous transactions for all parties involved.

Additionally, I have leveraged my legal knowledge to provide detailed and secure consultancy to clients regarding the legal aspects of real estate transactions, ensuring them that the process is carried out in compliance with current legislation and industry best practices.


8 proprietăţi